GeeTramp meetup

Quite possibly the wettest weekend in July was what we got for the first ever GeeTramp meetup. It was conveniently held at Jump Avondale – which seems to be our second home at the moment.

This meetup was a promotional event run by an Australasian company named GeeTramp (also known as webandwarehouse). It was entirely organised through Instagram. Fin was one of about 30 boys (yes, all boys – c’mon girls get amongst it!) selected who came along. What a big weekend!

Prep. We went down to Jump on Friday night ‘till about 10:30pm (along with Henry Douglas and Aeron Stokes) and again on Saturday morning to help put up the 4 big GeeTramp trampolines with nets in the Parkour Pit.

The first day.  On Saturday night the boys were all given t-shirts, food and free use of the new trampolines and Jump for 5 hours from 5-10pm. Jump allowed us to do another Sausage Sizzle so we loaded up the trailer yet again and Nana and Poppa (our star supporters) braved the cold wind and rain to sell the rest of our tasty Gladstone Butchery sausages. Some wild tricks were thrown down and Fin was happy as he did a kaboom full-full. AJ Ross and Max McQuoid stayed at our house (and got very little sleep). There may have even been a late night trip to McDs and a helium balloon involved.

The second day.   Sunday morning we headed back down to Jump at 10am for 4 more hours. GeeTramp also brought along their new mini tramp which saw some amazing acrobatic stuff going down. At 2pm everybody drifted off home to get some well-deserved rest. Ali stayed back until 6pm to help disassemble all the trampolines and pack them all up to go to some lucky kids.

Fin’s head was quite literally spinning after little-to-no sleep and such an intense couple of days. Fun but extremely tiring. Great prep for the EU GTGames in terms of learning how to manage his rest, nutrition and energy expenditure. Bananas, apples and paracetamol might have been our biggest learn from the weekend!

A few kids in NZ actually received free trampolines as part of being ‘GeeTramp brand ambassadors’. To become an ambassador you had to have minimum 5000k followers on Instagram and basically live your life on Instagram flipping, commenting and generally promoting yourself. Lucky kids as those trampolines are nice trampolines.

Fin certainly didn’t fit that criteria as he is more chilled on Instagram and doesn’t chase after notoriety  – preferring to flip for the love of it and post when he feels like it rather than pushing for media coverage, sponsorship or followers. Not exactly an advertiser’s dream poster boy but we are happy he’s following his own path.

However, GeeTramp approached us with this incredibly generous act to Fin of offering a trampoline up for auction and giving him the proceeds. The auction was held on Instagram but the top bidder was a no-show in the end on Sunday and didn’t sell – luckily really, as bidding only got to $660 which was really too low for a g-tramp of this kind. Now the tramp is on auction here at TradeMe.

Only two weeks until we fly to Denmark now!




One Reply to “”

  1. Just totally proud. Think Fin is really special n don’t forget those wonderful ‘just want to go along and support you’ sis Holli and bruv Lachie plus Robs n Ali you are all amazing. But have to also say that every parent and other trampoliners have been unbelievably supportive every single time. Feel lucky to have been part of it.


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